Zoom Yoga

posted 31st March 2020

Who would have thought it? Due to Covid-19 Harmonyoga has gone digital.
The popularity of interactive online yoga has astonished me, however it has been wonderful seeing such enthusiastic students on my TV screen. It has also enabled me to connect with students who have moved away and who I no longer see often in the real world.
Teaching Zoom yoga has not been without its challenges. There was the class where I couldn't find the camera button on my lap top, so a group of very patient yogis practiced without being able to see me, thankfully I had a good view of all of them. Then the class where my cats decided to have a fight on my yoga mat and knocked my glass of water flying, one of the cats also managed to bring in a dead mouse as a gift, thankfully dropped just out of view of the camera.
Sending out invites to participants has also been challenging; apologies if you didn't receive an invite and apologies if you received several. I will get there, eventually.
If you have yet to experience a zoom class, it would be lovely to see you on the mat. If you are a new student to me, I will send you a short health questionnaire before participation so that I can be sure to modify the class for your needs.