Farewell Desikachar

Farewell Desikachar
Farewell Desikachar

TKV Desikachar, the son of legendary T. Krishnamacharya, died on the 8th August 2016 at the age of 78. He is one of the last students from the direct Krishanmacharya lineage, nephew of B.K.S. Iyengar, and founded the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, India.

One of his seminal books, The Heart of Yoga, is found in many teacher training programs. One of the best quotes from that book is "The success of Yoga does not lie in our ability to perform postures, but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships."
I was very fortunate to meet Desikachar around 10 years ago, and will always remember him adjusting me in Paschimottonasana, and taking my pulse. He said it was quite high....yes indeed it was high Sir, I was so very excited being in the presence of such an incredible teacher!

Desikachar's teachings will live on through his many students, including my own teacher Gill Lloyd who was his direct student for many years.

Desikachar had been suffering from dementia for the past few years and his condition had been largely kept silent by his family. He is survived by his wife of 49 years Menaka.
He will be missed but remembered by yogis across the Globe.
Sri Gurubhyo Namah